NAWRS is a non-profit association whose purpose is to promote
the exchange of ideas on how research and statistical
analysis can contribute to the development and
administration of effective human
services programs.
We are excited to announce that we are now accepting proposals for 60th Workshop! This is a fantastic opportunity for state administrators, practitioners, and researchers to come together in community to share lessons and best practices from their work.
Key Details:
Why Participate?
How to Submit: Please submit your proposal through this online form. If you have questions, contact us at
We look forward to receiving your innovative and impactful proposals and to seeing you in Charlotte!
Please plan to join us for the 2025 NAWRS Workshop in Charlotte, North Carolina from August 3rd-6th. Connect, collaborate, and learn from human services researchers and practitioners dedicated to improving economic mobility and family well-being. Please be on the lookout for a Call for Proposals in early 2025!
NAWRS is launching its first affinity group this fall! The TANF Data Huddle brings together TANF data experts with the aims of (1) Building a network of TANF data professionals across the country, (2) Providing a forum for TANF data professionals to raise and discuss emergent issues in the TANF data space, and (3) Exchanging findings, innovations, and approaches to analyzing and leveraging TANF data in policy making and practice. The TANF Data Huddle is open to researchers, practitioners, and data enthusiasts at the federal, state, county, and local levels in public, private, and nonprofit settings.
Fall 2024 TANF Data Huddle meeting dates are:
What can you expect? Meeting topics and discussions will be member-driven, with a mix of short presentations and facilitator-led discussions during initial meetings.
Interested in joining? Please send your name, email, and professional affiliation to the NAWRS Secretary at
Improving alignment between human services and family needs and goals has been a key area of focus for many state and local human services programs. Family advisory councils offer a unique opportunity to facilitate meaningful engagement with families served by public programs; gain family input on policies and practices that affect them; and ultimately, to help develop programs and policies that serve families successfully and equitably. In this session, panelists discussed their experiences developing, launching, and sustaining family advisory councils in policy and research.
Recording, Transcript, Presentation Slides, and Resources
The Research: Income in the First Year of Life Matters
Christal Hamilton, Assistant Professor, University of Connecticut, School of Public Policy will will present on this study: Experiences of Poverty Around the Time of a Birth: A Research Note — Columbia University Center on Poverty and Social Policy.
Rx Kids: “Prescribing Cash to Improve Outcomes in Pregnancy and the First Year of Life
Dr. Mona Hanna-Attisha will talk about the vision and implementation of RxKids – a no strings attached program in Flint Michigan to provide cash to families during pregnancy and the first year of life. More than 700 families are currently enrolled in the program.
Evaluating, Funding and Expanding RxKids
Luke Shaefer, Professor, University of Michigan will talk about how RxKids is being evaluated, how TANF funds are being used (along with foundation funds) to provide cash to families and the plans for expanding a modified RxKids program across the state.
The first NAWRS workshop was in 1956 in Chicago. In all, researchers and administrators of the NAWRS community have gathered to discuss human services and poverty alleviation 55 times. Check out the program and presentations from our most recent workshops and trace the history of NAWRS from coast to coast.
2023 Annual Workshop, Salt Lake City, UT Workshop Program (presentation links included in agenda) |
2021 APHSA/NAWRS, Milwaukee, WI Session Recordings Quick Start Guide | 2015 Annual Workshop, Atlanta, GA Workshop Program and Presentations |
2020 Virtual Workshop | 2014 Annual Workshop, Providence, RI Workshop Program and Presentations |
2019 Annual Workshop, New Orleans, LA 2019 Workshop Program with Presentation Links |
2013 Annual Workshop, Chicago, IL Sponsored by Public Consulting Group Workshop Program and Presentations |
2018 Virtual Workshop | 2012 NAWRS/NASTA Workshop, Baltimore, MD Hosted by The Maryland Department of Human Resources Workshop Program and Presentations |
2017 Annual Workshop, Pittsburgh, PA 2017 Workshop Program and Presentations |
2011 Annual Workshop, Vail, CO Hosted by the Colorado Department of Human Services Workshop Program and Presentations |
2016 Virtual Workshop | 2010 Annual Workshop, Los Angeles, CA Workshop Presentations |
Year | President | Site |
1956 | Sam Carter, LA | Chicago |
1958 | Sam Carter, LA | Chicago |
1960 | Sam Carter, LA | Denver |
1962 | Gidson A. Hample, ND | Washington D.C. |
1964 | Editha M. Ponder | Washington D.C. |
1966 | Edson K. Labrack, ME | Washington D.C. |
1967 | W.L. Parker, CA | San Francisco |
1968 | Elmoine Kirkham, UT | Washington D.C. |
1969 | George Richards, CA | New Orleans |
1970 | Raymond Freeman, CO | Washington D.C. |
1971 | Robert R. Cline, WV | Las Vegas |
1972 | Alan Leggett, TX | Washington D.C. |
1973 | Wayne Epperson, IL | Denver |
1974 | Edward C. Pirie, VT | Boston |
1975 | Ira Gunn, NV | San Francisco |
1976 | George Richards, CA | New Orleans |
1977 | Wallace P. Earle, AZ | Phoenix |
1978 | Charles N. Wagner, GA | Savannah |
1979 | Richard Wheelock, UT | Salt Lake City |
1980 | Joseph Gale, WI | Madison |
1981 | Gary McDonald, TN | Nashville |
1982 | Tom Suehs, TX | San Antonio |
1983 | Alma Cox, MS | Jackson |
1984 | Patricia Day, CT | Hartford |
1985 | Jerry Bahr, NE | Lincoln |
1986 | Susan P. Polyson, VA | Richmond |
1987 | L. Marjorie Barker, KY | Louisville |
1988 | J. Barry Schaub, MD | Baltimore |
1989 | Dave Thorsen, MT | Kalispell |
1990 | Monica Zazworsky, WA | Bellevue |
1991 | Samba Sanyang, SC | Charleston |
1992 | Florence C. Odita, OH | Columbus |
1993 | Aldona Vaitkus, AZ | Scottsdale |
1994 | Jane A. Goynes (Harrison), TX | Austin |
1995 | Bruce Twine/Joe Golden | Jackson Hole |
1996 | Werner Schink, CA | San Francisco |
1997 | Sandra L. Brown, GA | Atlanta |
1998 | Peggie Powers, IL | Chicago |
1999 | Diane Redmond, OH | Cleveland |
2000 | Aldona Viatkus, AZ | Scottsdale |
2001 | Richard Larson, MD | Baltimore |
2002 | Jeffrey Repichowski, NM | Albuquerque |
2003 | Leslie Raderman, CA | San Diego |
2004 | Kenneth Kickham, OK | Oklahoma City |
2005 | Philip Klein, WI | Madison |
2006 | Coleen Collins, WY | Jackson Hole |
2007 | Richard Brennan, WV | Charleston |
2008 | Kerry Mullins, TN | Nashville |
2009 | George Falco & David Dlugolecki, NY | Albany |
2010 | Michael Bono, CA | Los Angeles |
2011 | Mary Roberto, CO | Vail |
2012 | Vince Kilduff, MD | Baltimore |
2013 | Vince Kilduff, MD | Chicago |
2014 | Michael Bono, CA | Providence |
2015 | Michael Bono, CA | Atlanta |
2016 | Kinsey Dinan, NYC | Virtual workshop |
2017 | Kinsey Dinan, NYC | Pittsburgh, PA |
2018 | Kate Probert-Fagundes, MN | Virtual workshop |
2019 | Kate Probert-Fagundes, MN | New Orleans, LA |
2023 | Kate Probert-Fagundes, MN | Salt Lake City, UT |
Professional Title
Income Support Department Manager
Carver County, MN Health and Human Services
Web Address
Areas of Interest
Integration between Social Services, Workforce and Economic Development, Public Health Intervention and Services, Transportation
Other Affiliations
MACSSA, Minnesota Association of County Social Services Administrators; MAWB, Minnesota Association of Workforce Boards; NASTA: National Association of TANF Administrators; Hennepin/Carver Workforce
Term End Date
September 2025
Professional Title
Business Initatives Manager
Wisconsin Department of Children and Families
Web Address
Areas of Interest
Child Welfare, Early Care and Education, Family and Economic Security, Justice Programs and Performance Mangement
Term End Date
September 2025
Professional Title
Executive Research Director
Department of Social Services, New York, NY
Web Address
Areas of Interest
Poverty Reduction, Implementation Science, Behavioral Health, Organizational Culture, Human-Centered Design
Other Affiliations
Fordham University; Society for Social Work and Research
Term End Date
September 2025
Professional Title
Director, Analytics and Research
Wisconsin Department of Children and Families, Division of Economic Security
Web Address
Areas of Interest
Child Support, TANF, Employment Services, Refugee Programs
Term End Date
September 2025
Professional Title
Web Address
Areas of Interest
Human Services Interoperability, Policy and Program Implementation, Strategic Doing, Training and Technical Assistance, Grant Management, Trauma-Informed Care, Workforce Development, Research to Practice, Finance, Technology
Term End Date
September 2025
Professional Title
Public Consulting Group (PCG)
Web Address
Areas of Interest
TANF, Workforce Development, SNAP E&T, Public Assistance and Employment Services
Other Affiliations
American Pubic Human Services Association (APHSA), National Association of Workforce Boards (NAWB), Human Services Finance Officers (HSFO)
Term End Date
September 2025
Professional Title
Research Associate Professor
Social Research Institute, College of Social Work, University of Utah
Web Address
Areas of Interest
Welfare Policy, Diverse Low-Income Poverty Issues; Trauma-Informed Approaches in Organizations
Other Affiliations
Term End Date
September 2025
Professional Title
Senior Associate
Abt Global
Web Address
Areas of Interest
Employment and Workforce Development, Criminal Justice and Re-entry, Child Welfare, Implementation Science
Other Affiliations
Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management, American Evaluation Association
Term End Date
September 2026
Professional Title
Director, Center Operations
University of Maryland, Baltimore – School of Social Work – Family Welfare Research and Training Groups
Web Address
Areas of Interest
Financial Support Programs (SNAP, TANF), Child Support, Administrative Data and Research, and Program Performance Improvement
Term End Date
September 2025
Professional Title
Supervising Research Specialist
Riverside University Health System- Public Health
Web Address
Areas of Interest
Health Equity, Workforce Development, Early Care and Education, Trauma-Informed Approaches, Research and Evaluation
Term End Date
September 2025
Professional Title
EMAPS Director
Economic Services Administration (ESA), Department of Social and Health Services (DSHS), State of Washington
Web Address
Economic Services Administration | DSHS (
Areas of Interest
Public Assistance Policy, Poverty Reduction, Reducing Administrative Burdens, and Advancing Equity.
Term End Date
September 2026
Professional Title
Deputy Assistant Secretary – Workforce Division
Louisiana Department of Children and Family Services
Web Address
Areas of Interest
TANF, Workforce Development – SNAP E&T, CSE E&T, STEP, TANF, Disability Determinations
Other Affiliations
SPARK (Supporting Partnerships to Advance Research and Knowledge) Learning Community, Evidence Champion for Evidence Clearinghouse
Term End Date
September 2026
Professional Title
Program Evaluator
US Office of Personnel Management
Web Address
Areas of Interest
Public assistance, behavioral science, economic development, labor market, poverty reduction
Term End Date
September 2025
Professional Title
Vice President of Strategy and Administration
MEF Associates
Web Address
Areas of Interest
Child Support, TANF, Employment and Workforce Development, Housing Policy, Criminal Justice and Re-entry
Other Affiliations
Term End Date
September 2025
Professional Title
Child Support Enforcement Director
Louisiana Department of Children and Family Services
Web Address
Areas of Interest
Child Support Policy and Enforcement, Workforce Development, Data-Driven Decision Making, Social Service Program Innovation, Collaboration Across Agencies, Improving Outcomes for Families
Term End Date
September 2025
Professional Title
Senior Research Manager
Economic Services Administration (ESA), Department of Social and Health Services (DSHS), State of Washington
Web Address
Economic Services Administration | DSHS (
Areas of Interest
TANF, SNAP, Employment Services, Performance Measurement, Advancing Equity
Term End Date
September 2026
Professional Title
Senior Social Science Research Analyst
Office of Planning, Research, and Evaluation, Administration for Children and Families, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Web Address
Areas of Interest
Employment & Training, TANF, Family Self-Sufficiency, Research and Evaluation
Term End Date
September 2026
Professional Title
Senior Researcher
American Institutes for Research
Web Address
Areas of Interest
TANF, Workforce Development, Child Welfare, Systems Integration, Human-Centered Design, Poverty Reduction, Research and Evalaution, Implementation Science, Research to Practice
Term End Date
September 2026
Professional Title
Senior Fellow
Web Address
Areas of Interest
TANF, SNAP, Employment and Workforce Development, Using data to improve program services and outcomes, Evaluation
Term End Date
September 2026
Michael Bono joined the NAWRS Board of Directors in 2004 and served tirelessly as President in 2010 and again in 2014 and 2015. He continued to work on NAWRS behind the scenes until cancer took him from us in 2016. We are so grateful to have known this warm, selfless, charismatic dynamo with a boundless heart for the less fortunate.
We hope you enjoy this heart-warming tribute to Michael. Friends and colleagues shared some of their favorite memories during an informal gathering to honor him at the NAWRS 2017 Workshop in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
NAWRS is an all-volunteer organization that relies on the time and commitment of its membership. Joining a committee is one great way to support NAWRS’s mission of bringing together research and practice. The standing committees are:
The purpose of the Conference Planning Committee is to lead the overarching logistics and arrangements for the NAWRS conference, including, identifying, researching, and proposing the state and hotel venue for the conference, the outside social networking events, technology that will be used for each session, and coordinating with other NAWRS committees to ensure continuity of operations.
The purpose of the Finance and Budget Committee (FBC) is to strengthen NAWRS’ financial position through sound practices for oversight and decision-making.
The primary tasks of the FBC are oversight of NAWRS’ financial activities, coordination with officers and other committees (e.g., Conference Planning) on matters related to financial planning, and the preparation of the NAWRS budget. Currently, the FBC also serves as a central location for activities under the purview of the Technology Chair and Secretary-Registrar.
The primary tasks of the Program Committee focus on the development and implementation of the Program portion of the biennial NAWRS Conference. This includes identifying all speakers and presenters during both the plenary sessions and breakouts. While the scope of this committee focuses on the Conference program, coordination with the conference planning committee is important.
This Committee will develop strategies to engage nonprofit, academic, and for-profit partners to provide infrastructure supports to NAWRS, including strategic partnerships to:
Guide the strategic goals of the board through work plans and assignment of tasks. The current goals include: (1) outlining and developing NAWRS membership and (2) ensuring succession planning is ongoing for board positions.
The Virtual Events Committee plans and hosts webinars in years when the NAWRS workshop is not occurring. These events represent an opportunity to keep the NAWRS community engaged and to highlight interesting research and trends relevant to NAWRS membership. The Committee is led by two Chairs and committee members are pulled from across the broader NAWRS community, including individuals that may be new to the organization.
Once you have some experience with NAWRS committees, you might consider running for a position on the Board. This “Working Board” manages the Association and its activities. Members participate in monthly virtual meetings and attend bi-annual in-person workshops. The benefits of being a Board member include close and direct contact with other research and evaluation professionals across the country and the ability to ensure representation of your state or organization in the planning of the NAWRS workshop. There are no monetary costs associated with Board membership beyond workshop attendance.
Are you interested? Reach out to and let us know a little about yourself and your interests! Thank you for supporting the NAWRS family.
Sponsoring organization are valuable supporters of NAWRS’s mission. Sponsors include research organizations, consulting and contracting firms, and other organization that want to get their name out there as steadfast supporters of the exchange of ideas and best practices in human services. View some of our most recent sponsors. Sponsors are featured in the NAWRS workshop program and other marketing materials, receive space and support for tabling, are verbally acknowledged to workshop attendees by the NAWRS president, and are honored on the NAWRS website year-round.
NAWRS is a 501(c)(3) non-profit association. The organization does not have an endowment and operates based on revenue from sponsors and workshop registrations. Donations support general Association operations and are tax deductible. Donate Now.
Pictures by Bright Sarfo of B-Right Productionz |
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